Complementary Cancer Care

Oncology Advocate

Oncology Advocate

Our oncology advocacy program offers private consultations with our personalized cancer information specialist at Guided Hope Cancer Advocacy, LLC. Patients, survivors, and caregivers often find that the fear and anxiety that comes with a diagnosis can be significantly diminished with knowledge and empowerment.

Our consultation services are free for cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers.

Guided Hope Cancer Advocacy, LLC

Amy Fentress, RN, MSN, OCN, Certified Yoga Teacher, and Certified Holistic Cancer Coach provides free advocacy, navigation, coaching, and inspirational services to cancer patients, caregivers, and survivors through her company, Guided Hope Cancer Advocacy, LLC.

With over 34 years of nursing experience, Amy has worked in many capacities as an oncology nurse including chemotherapy infusion, management, educator, care manager, and most recently Co-Founder of Complementary Cancer Care Inc.  Amy is a member of Oncology Nurses Society and American Holistic Nurses Association.

Amy’s passion is to empower those affected by cancer by spreading hope.

You can book your free virtual consultation on her website or email her at [email protected] for more available times.