WRITE NOW! A Time for Therapeutic Journaling

WRITE NOW! A Time for Therapeutic Journaling

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Date(s) - 08/13/25
6:00 pm - 6:30 pm



WRITE NOW! A Time for Therapeutic Journaling

This class will meet ONLINE using Zoom and is a 4-week series.  While you can attend any of the classes, it is more fun to attend all!

Cast aside doubts about the act of writing. This is not a “writing” class. This is a journaling class. It is a judgment-free zone where we can all investigate and share what our minds get up to when we are not looking.

We start with a quote or affirmation and get five minutes to write about it, jot down notes, or even draw your ideas. At the five-minute mark, we put our pencils down and share what we have written. Or just listen if you prefer, there are no firm and fast rules.

With a short time to write using the prompt that is the same for us all, you may be surprised with what comes up for you, and how we fit together both in our similarity and our diversity. We do this with both humor and seriousness. All feelings are welcome.

We finish promptly after half an hour. You needn’t worry about this experience taking up too much time.

Give this a try and see what your unedited thoughts could be.

~ Kyczy Hawk, Instructor

To register for this ONLINE class, simply click the Register button.  You will receive a confirmation email with a Zoom login link.  If you do not see a green Register button, you may not be logged in – click here to login.

Return to the Calendar to register for another class.


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